Welcome to Carbon News Monthly for July 31, 2010 where we find out what others have been up to in the world of carbon-footprint-reduction.
South Africa World Games Report
The World Cup Soccer is now over for 2010, and the report is in on the environmental impact of these games. The impact was apparently 8 times greater than the last World Cup held in Germany 2006. Three factors contributed. The distance teams had to travel to the tip of the African Continent is responsible for just over 65% of emissions. Intercity travel between the venues comes in second at 17%, and energy use for the accommodations accounts for the rest. Comments overall are not all disheartening. The intent was there, but there were a number of initiatives that were planned and put into place, but quite probably a bit late. Definately this report will impact the next World Cup event, and how to improve on environmental impacts of these events once and for all.
Office Depot Wants To Be Competetive
Businesses and suppliers are making the effort to improve their image and reduce their carbon footprints at the same time. Office Depot wants to be a part of this, by using all renewable energy at their headquarters during the manufacture of their 100% recycled enviro-copy paper.
Businesses use so much paper, and as they try to "be green" in their operations, it stands to reason, they will only want to buy their supplies from a company who follows the same idea. They will only want to be connected with other "responsible" companies. Office Depot wants to make sure to capture these customers, and other office supply companies may well be forced to follow suit, as they want to compete, and be viewed as "responsible" as well.
Anesthesiologists Want To Reduce Emissions
This news source was recently printed in the Sacremento Bee, and Seattle Times.
Did you know that different types of sedation in the operating rooms of the hospitals have various sized carbon footprints?
Apparently so. The three main inhaled common gases are vented outside, and some of these potent greenhouse gases can contribute to global warming for years.
It is becoming a topic of discussion taking place amongst some Doctors I gather, that the least "harmful" gases could or should be used.
This is certainly something that never ocurred to me.
I have read some comments on this article, which mostly stated that the Doctors shouldn't be concerning themselves with this aspect of sedation, and should only concern themselves with the safety and condition of their patient.
This should prove to be an interesting topic to follow in the future.
As others strive to do their part towards green living and carbon reduction improvements, let's still continue to do ours!
Until next time,