Welcome to Carbon News Monthly For February, 2011.
PEPSICO It seems that Pepsico has it's sights set on 2023 to be completely Fossil fuel free. There's been progress reported by Pepsi on what it calls it's "Path to Zero" program, which was launched a few years ago.
Their environmental goals have included significantly reducing garbage and waste to landfill sites, separating their
factories from the water mains, and making their packaging products totally biodegradable or recyclable.
Pepsico also feels that as a large company, it is their responsibility to work in the field of Agriculture and work to show other companies
how important it is to reduce or cut carbon completely out of the economy. They also want to be involved with policy makers to make sure that companies big or small can afford changes they will want to make towards responsible environmentalism within their own businesses. The latest results reports that though Pepsi has grown, their overall carbon footprint has been reduced by almost 4%.
Did you know about the American College and University Presidents Climate Committment Plan? This was signed in 2008 which involves over 600 Colleges coming up with a plan which hopes to reduce greenhouse gases and produce climate neutral campuses.
The University of Missouri recently turned in their plan which hopes to reduce carbon emissions by 20% by 2015.
Sustainability courses
have been added to the course lists, transportation options around campus has been improved, recycling practices are in place, and a close eye is always kept on the newest and best technologies to further their cause. One specific focus, in addition to other numerous improvements, is on the constant reliance on coal and how best to reduce that.
Though coal is cheaper and abundant, they have made the comittment to eliminate their carbon footprint.
A new biomass boiler should be in place by 2012 and with ongoing infrastructure upgrades that need to be made, this should help tremendously towards reaching their goals.
Interesting Facts About Xerox You May Not Know Xerox has an exceptional record when it comes to environmentalism. But this isn't anything recent for them. Did you know...?
Double sided copying was invented in 1969 by Xerox
First post consumer recycled products developed in early 70's
Machinery that could "power down" invented in early 80's by Xerox Xerox part of the founding members of Energy Star
Early 80's - Established their Supplier Requirements Program Early 90's - Looking at "end-of-life" of products when in design stage Late 90's - Looking at internal policy for use of waste free products and use of waste-free facilities
Initiated "cartridge return program" and making cartridges that would be reusable
Early 2000's - Energy Challenge 2012 - A carbon footprint reduction program with a series of targets to be met in phases over the years.
Tom Raftery, Lead Analyst at GreenMonk recently did a piece on Xerox, and you can read more at GreenMonk.com Surprising facts from Xerox to some I would imagine, as many people think carbon footprint reduction and concern for the environment is something that is just happening lately. Fortunately, it's been a passion and a focus for decades by others, which in turn, puts pressures on the companies of today to follow the leads they have established.
As others are striving to do their part towards green living and carbon reduction improvements, let's still continue to do ours!
Until next time,