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Lots of happenings out there in the business world.

Are you a Sprint customer?

They recently announced how they will build upon the goals for environmentalism they set up three years ago.

- Collect 100 percent of all electronic waste for recycling and reuse.

- For every ten phones sold, they will collect 9 for reuse.

- Manufacturers and vendors they deal with have to meet their certification requirements by 2013.

Sprint electronics will have to meet certain criteria for environmental design too and all of these goals are to be met by 2017.

Canadian Tire has made upgrades and process improvements to quicken their sustainability initiatives into it's business operations as well.

They have completed over 90 initiatves which has resulted in a reduction in material use and packaging, transportation costs and greenhouse gas emissions. This equals what it would take to power at least 140 homes in Canada for a year.

They also use "Central Energy Management Systems" in a number of stores so far. This system takes care of automating and controls store temperatures and lighting needs at all hours.

Canadian Tire's business strategy features three goals:

grow the business without increasing the net carbon footprint of the economy; get rid of unnecessary packaging while sending zero waste to landfills; provide innovative products and services that meet customers' needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.

Energy and climate, packaging and waste, and products and services are the focus to achieve these goals.

Sainsbury's, The Greenest Grocer

Sainsbury's, large supermarket chain from the UK, started a Carbon Academy and says it will train 20,000 people in environmental awareness and skills by 2020.

The retailer, which claims to be the "greenest grocer", said the Sainsbury’s Carbon Academy would revolutionise the way the store takes care of its carbon footprint.

Carbon emissions are to be cut by 25 per cent by 2012 and the Academy is already providing training to engineers in low carbon technology CO2 refrigeration. Thousands more suppliers, contractors and employees in carbon management and green technical skills could be trained as well.

"We see this very much as a revolution in the way we manage our environmental impact," said Sainsbury's property director, Neil Sachdev. "In order to fight carbon effectively, we need to ensure that everyone who comes into contact with our business has the knowledge and skills necessary to help reduce Sainsbury's carbon footprint."

Sears has somewhat the same philosophy in terms of making sure that vendors, supplies, department heads and staff are aware of the company goals in order to make reducing carbon footprints effective. Makes good sense.

Deforestation was the theme on World Environment Day this year, which was June 5th.

The theme was chosen to highlight the environmental, economic and social importance of the world's forests in the face of mounting deforestation.

Around 5.2 million hectares of forest is lost each year due to continuing deforestation. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) released their "Forests in a Green Economy" report at this time.

The report outlines the potential of public and private investment in forest management and resources to boost employment, reduce deforestation and help tackle climate change.

Reduce Carbon Footprints and Breath Easier

Thought of replacing your air filter lately? It's not just something you only think about in the winter.

A filthy air filter on your cooling system as well as your home heating system can reduce it's effectiveness by 20%. Make sure your filter is doing what it should energy-wise, and as effectively as it should especially if you or your family suffers from asthma and allergies.

Ever Thought of Retiring Earlier?

To bed, that is. Apparently the Japanese Government is suggesting that people consider going to bed earlier in order to conserve power. One hour will make a difference they say.

Not sure how many people will actually follow through and take this advice, but I guess they figure it was worth the suggestion.

As others are striving to do their part towards green living and carbon reduction improvements on a larger scale, let's still continue to do ours at home as best we can!

Until next time,



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