Red Wine Stain Removal
From Clothing And Rugs

by Joan

Spilled Red Wine Stain

Spilled Red Wine Stain

Red wine stain removal from clothing and rugs can be a tough situation to deal with, but there are some everyday non-toxic stain removers most of us have around the house that may be helpful.

The trick is to get the wine stain blotted as soon as possible, and remember that depending on the fabric, this can affect the outcome as well.

Eliminating red wine stains from silk clothing for example is harder than from other fabrics. Cottons are easier to deal with.

Try the following ideas the next time red wine is spilled and before a too stubborn to remove stain develops on your clothes or on your rug.

Always be sure to use a clean cloth or paper towel while blotting the stain. Rinse your cloth alot.

Sprinkle baby talcum powder on top and let it dry. Brush it off with a soft bristled brush.

Pour salt on the stain and rinse repeatedly with water.

Club soda is a good item to have around for getting out wine stains. With a moist cloth, dab the red wine stain with the soda and blot over and over again.

You can try blotting the stain using a clean cloth with milk as well.

White wine poured on top of the stain can work to dilute a red stain. Let it soak for awhile and then pour salt over it. Salt can work to keep the the stain from setting.

Red wine stain removal on a carpet can be a little harder to accomplish if the stain is old, but you can try.

Take equal parts of lemon juice and white vinegar and let it soak into the stain. Then, wash and rinse with a clean cloth.

Soak a red wine stain on a carpet with salt as soon as it happens and let it sit for about 5 hours. As the salt turns color, that means it is soaking up the liquid wine. Gently vacuum up the salt.

Hydrogen peroxide and a bit of dish soap may work. Dawn dish soap has proven to be effective in alot of ways.

Bleaches for wine stain removal aren't always the best, because sometimes the mark can come back, not too mention take the color right out of your fabric in the process.

Bleaches are only that, in that they don't remove the stain, they just lighten the color. Bleach is pretty hard on your fabrics and the environment too.

Red wine stain removal from clothing and rugs can be tricky. Play around with the different recipes with fabric tests first.

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From Clothing And Rugs

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