Generating Additional Income
How WAHMS-supplementing-incomes can unleash their creative talents as a "mompreneur" through knowledge and passions they want to share.
A work-at-home-mom can take knowledge from a passion, a cause near and dear to her heart, or anything she wants to about a particular subject, and quite possibly turn it into something quite lucrative.
This applies to the work at home or stay at home dads out there too of course!
Are you a work-at-home mom? A stay-at-home mom? Want to be a new "mompreneur" like so many others out there? Looking for something to work at, but worried possibly because you may not be that computer-savvy in the ways of website building?
I hear you. I "worked at home" occasionally myself, and I know first of all, that just looking after a home and a family is a huge undertaking in itself.
Add to that, a work-week to supplement your family income
may seem next to impossible.
It may seem that way, especially if you have no idea where to begin.
But, it doesn't have to be. WAHMS-supplementing-incomes are using the best resource for website building, if that is what interests you.
Everybody does know something about something, and the desire to get those thoughts onto paper and share them with the world may be so strong.
It could be about a favorite hobby, a life experience, a former occupation perhaps. What-ever it is, it is yours alone, and SBI will help you create it for the rest of the world to enrich their own lives by reading about it.
SBI or "Site Build It" will get you there.
They give you the tools and not only to just get up and running. SBI goes 110% beyond hosting; you can get that part anywhere. SBI wants to help you to build a web business.
Content is king, not just one screen full of flashing advertisements.
(This is where most businesses fail.)
You will learn how to implement different ways of creating income from what you know on the pages you create about your topic.
SBI furnishes EVERYTHING from hosting, domain name, support, forums of dedicated SBI-ers to turn to, and even the tools to decide what would be the best niche you could choose and turn into your very own website with a wealth of information to share.
There are just too many resources for me to name, but one of the best things is the Action Guide. It takes you every single step of the way.
You can read it on-line as you go, or print it (like I did) and read it while curled up on the couch, or you can do both - whatever suits you best.
At your own pace, on your own time,
at your own convenience.
As they say at SBI, "tortoise it" and that is part of the secret to the Action Guide. Taking your time will produce the best results and highly encouraged around here.

So, if nothing else, indulge yourself and treat yourself to a look at what SBI has to offer. I think you may be impressed.
There are many inspirational role models who are now wahms-supplementing-incomes and creating recurrent income. They are all part of the SBI family.
Read their stories; learn how to promote a product, a service, or an area of expertise. Join the family of WAHMS-supplementing-incomes. (Oh, and the rest of us too. We would be happy to welcome you!)
SBI is for ANYONE actually...people who hold jobs outside the home, students, retirees, business owners etc. all make up a group of people working at something they love.
Nurture your family, and nurture yourself too.
Create something you can call your own; visit SBI here, and consider becoming one of the many WAHMS-supplementing-incomes today, with the best teachers possible.
Oh, and still worried about being more than a bit "computer challenged?"
You and me both, but you learn how to get past that. The great thing about Solo Build It is that it's for people who have no knowledge, to those who have incredible talents, and everyone else in between.
Read up on some great
Time Management Techniques
to keep you organized and focused as you build your site.
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