Post Christmas Markdowns
Frugal Shopping Tips
Attraction to storewide-clearance-sales? Affordable merchandise offers a great opportunity for organization and some huge savings from the January holiday sales.
The after-christmas-discounts may be the last thing on your mind right now.
I hear you, and the malls and the department stores are the last places I want to go to quite honestly. However, post Christmas January deals are huge right now, and in addition to saving a lot of money, you can get now what you are going to purchase same time next year anyway and be ahead of the game.
Christmas wrapping paper and Christmas bows for one thing can be bought for next to nothing, and it IS nice to have some on hand
I can safely say it’s been a long time since I’ve had to buy any of this kind of thing, and now I'm almost fresh out. The beat-up Christmas bags and re-flattened old and faded tissue paper have simply run their course.
These items that normally cost “mega-dollars” in bulk can be bought in department stores and drugstores for less than a dollar now during storewide-clearance-sales.
Are you fresh out of things to make tags with? Bulk tags that normally cost in the dollars as well, are being sold now for next to nothing.
Take advantage of these great after-christmas-discounts and you’ll be in business for years again. At least this has been my experience. I feel like a kid in a candy store when I've bought 100 tags for 50 cents!
My sister and I joke about some of the bags we have continuously passed back and forth between households. You can literally see the inch-thick layers of tape used to hold these poor bags and boxes together, not to mention how the “to and from” tags have been layered over and over and over again.
We buy them from time to time, but boy, do we ever get the mileage out them!
Generally, we’re all pretty good in my family about recycling this stuff and reducing our carbon footprints in this way. Some of use leftover newspapers if we have it. That’s a very smart idea too.
Pay particular attention to solid colored paper that’s considered perfect for any occasion, not just for wrapping Christmas presents.

Storewide clearance sales offer lots of amazing deals that didn't sell over the Christmas season

Think about what you need to get on a daily basis too.
Daily household items including groceries are a big item.
The stores brought in a lot of extra inventory for December, and now need to make room for the newer supplies. Many of these items must be cleared no matter what.
Don’t overlook this category, because it's big too during the storewide-clearance-sales at this time of year.
Another category not to be overlooked are the non-seasonal items. Just because it's "winter" time, you don't need to think in terms of "winter."
Some stores are still trying one more time to get rid of old summer-time inventory.
Could be gardening utensils, bbq utensils, "whatever." People are quite happy to put away items that can't be used right this minute, but will sure look forward to hauling out the new item come spring and summer.
I've seen tons of solar lights and bird feeders that are normally deemed summer-time inventory still out and discounted before they are put away at the end of January or gotten rid of altogether.
So, don't ever feel that gifts must be "December" oriented only.

Perhaps Santa just didn’t bring a certain personal item you wanted or needed this year?
There are good storewide-clearance-sales on candles now (just for one example – I am a candle lover so I've noticed) which are seen everywhere as gift sets always so popular during the holiday season.
Like soy candles? I was fortunate to get some lovely soy candles this year, and organic type bath sets including hand and body lotions and things of that nature in lovely baskets.
Make-up and winter accessories for the girls in the family are extremely popular too. These are wonderful for seasonal or everyday use for yourself, or as a gift for someone else. They are timeless gifts that are welcomed no matter what the season.
We’re not just talking Christmas don’t forget.
Everyone has a birthday, and there will always be some occasion to buy something for someone. It could be a get-well gift, a house-warming or shower-gift. Get out there and grab these items up now at a fraction of the usual cost. Storewide-clearance-sales after Christmas is the perfect time!
Of course it goes without saying, that if you aren’t already tapped out from holiday spending and just the fuss of christmas past, planning for next Christmas and buying for next year now will save so much money and stress in the future.
If you can’t do it all at once, watch the storewide-clearance-sales when they happen after any holiday carefully over the course of the year and try to get one item per month or pay-period.
How many of us have had this idea, started out strong, only to have it fizzle out part-way through the year?
I know. It’s hard to get excited or think about next Christmas in June.
But as we all know, Christmas creeps up again without fail quickly.
It’s nice to be somewhat prepared in as many ways as possible, and know that November, December, and January paycheques won't be stretched so thin for a change which is frequently the case for many people.
Find a corner in a spare room, and start adding to a box a little at a time.
Remember, many other people faithfully follow this pattern of shopping during boxing day week and during the month of January, and snap up these deals quickly. If this is something you want to do and can swing it financially, start early.
Use a little caution and think about what you are buying though. Don’t buy something just because it’s cheap.
Ask yourself does the gift really fit the person?
Will they really use it and like it?
If the answer is no, then you will have a box of useless gifts, and you WILL FEEL that you must go out and shop all over again, which totally defeats the purpose. However, if the answer is “yes” and you’ve found some gifts heavily discounted, you’ve scored big-time.
For some, the storewide-clearance-sales are a great opportunity to spend Christmas gifts of money on the fantastic savings out there for themselves and the household.
For others? It's a very specific opportunity to get a headstart on being organized, frugal, and well prepared for the next Christmas to come.
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