Protect Against Mildew And Allergens
You can kill-black-mold with the simplest of household ingredients. No harsh chemicals needed for black-mold-removal.
Everyone has asked how to get rid of black-mold-spores at some time.
If you are lucky enough to not have it anywhere else in your home, you have surely experienced it in your bathroom tub or shower.
Mold loves moisture, and thrives quite nicely in dark and humid places, the most common surfaces being found in basements, bathrooms, and kitchens.
Black-mold-spores also love window frames and window sills and ledges.
Hot and humid weather in addition to condensation or leaks can cause the ideal conditions for mold and mildew to get started and spread quickly if not taken care of.
Not only is mold unsightly, it ruins the finished look of white grouted tiles or wherever it gets started.
More importantly, the effects of black mold or toxic mold can create or enhance potential health issues for many people, like asthma, allergies and general chronic illnesses.
You must kill-black-mold in your living space as it leads to very poor air quality and degradation of your property over time if untreated.

Did you know that more than 75 different strains of mold are tied to respiratory tract ailments?
People who are very allergic to mold can't do any form of cleaning themselves, and have to hire others to do it for them.
If they can manage to do some cleaning on their own, they must wear masks and gloves. These people feel the symptoms of black mold allergies by feeling tired, generally depressed and just feel out of sorts overall. They can also suffer from constant runny noses and watery eyes.
Gloves are certainly a good idea to wear when you need to kill-black-mold, or any kind of mold fungus, and a mask can't hurt either whether you have allergies or not.

There are ways fortunately to kill-black-mold growth in your home, and relatively cheaply and effectively too. You most likely have some of these ingredients at your disposal already.
Common ingredients for black-mold-removal? Peroxide, vinegar and baking soda are just a few items you may already have on hand.
Kill-Black-Mold With Some Simple Recipes
2 tsp. tea tree oil
2 cups water
Mix in a spray bottle and apply directly.
Do not rinse.
Let sit for 3 hours and gently wipe with a damp sponge.
In case you have an allergy to the oil, open a window or door
and turn on a fan.
This oil goes a long way. Always use equal measures of teaspoons and cups. For example, 3 tsp. to 3 cups water; 4 tsp. to 4 cups water and so on.
Known as a potent fungicide for all types of mold, it has a strong smell, but the odor dissipates in a few hours.
Put straight white vinegar in a spray bottle and spray full force directly. Saturate the growth, and let stand for a few hours. Gently wipe, and repeat.
Vinegar is all natural and inexpensive too!
To repel mold and mildew, spray down your shower curtain and
shower stall with straight vinegar. Do not rinse off.
20 drops Grapefruit Seed Extract
2 cups water
Spray resiliant mold directly. Let stand for 2 hours and then wipe with a damp sponge. Repeat.
1 part 3% Hydrogen-Peroxide
3 parts water
Combine and keep in a spray bottle. Spray directly.
Borax is used to kill-black-mold and inhibit it in damp places. Mix equal parts borax and water to make a paste to apply and let sit before rinsing.
1/2 cup vinegar
1/2 cup borax
Dissolve in warm water, and fill up a spray bottle.
Spray directly.
Detergent and water can be used to wash down an area.
Though harsh, apply bleach afterwards.
Bleach does not kill mold, though some people beg to differ.
A kiddie pool is a great place that attracts mold and mildew frequently.
Dissolve baking soda and warm water in a pail.
Empty the pool and periodically wash down with the mixture. Try this with lawn furniture as well, which is a known culprit to attract mold on the undersides of chairs and tables.

Mold consists of airborne fungus spores that land on a moist
space and begin growing. Therefore, in order to prevent mold from
growing, it is all about preventing the moisture in the first place.
Once you start getting rid of a moldy spot, it is a good idea to keep the mold contained with a sheet of plastic so that the spores don't travel and land elsewhere while you are in the cleaning process.
This is effective if you are cleaning a large area.
To make sure moisture is controlled in the home, be on "mold patrol" and keep an eye on specific situations.
Good ventilation throughout your home on nice sunny hot days is important. Open windows whenever possible and let fresh
air and natural sunshine and heat in.
A good indoor temperature in your home is 68 - 72 degrees.
Keeping moisture levels at less than 40% is ideal.
Watch for basement and roof leaks. Get these things fixed as soon as possible.
Invest in a good dehumidifier for your basement.
Empty and wipe clean on a regular basis to kill-black-mold from starting in the machine.
Have proper ventilation fans in your bathroom and in your kitchen, anywhere where moisture forms from daily use.
Wipe down your bathroom walls and shower stall after your
bath or shower. If you don't have a fan, leave your bathroom
door wide open to let out the steamy moisture.
Keep your bathroom and kitchen plumbing and leaky fixtures in a good state of repair.
Regularly empty your drip-tray underneath the fridge and wash it with soap and water occasionally. Dry thoroughly.
Do you smell mustiness in the basement? Look for a damp source.
Watch for sweating pipes in the basement.
Do not vent your dryer heat back into a room. Vent it outside.
Check for leaks under your sink. Keep this area clean and dry.
Make use of a shop-vac if necessary in your basement if there
is any sign of dampness or flooding from rain. Make the area
as dry as possible as soon as you can.
Keep floors clear of items that can trap moisture and cause
mold to start growing where you can't see it.
Avoid heavy thick carpets if possible on a cement basement floor.
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