The Many Neem-Oil-Uses
Organic Non-Toxic Repellent

There are quite a variety of neem-oil-uses that can be taken advantage of around the home, especially outdoors in your garden as a botanical-pesticide.

I hadn't even heard about neem, or azadirachtin as it is called, until the last few years, when I noticed it was found in lotions and creams.

The benefits of neem oil comes from the seeds of the neem oil tree, and originates from India and Burma. The people there have known about it's neem oil insecticide and medicinal properties for hundreds of years. They have crushed the leaves and rubbed them against their skin to ward off insects that can bite.

Neem oil is non-toxic to birds, worms, bees and mammals. It has a kind of garlic and sulphar smell to it, which helps to repel. It is very bitter tasting as well.

Neem breaks down very easily in the sunlight, and is biodegradable.

When spraying, you don't want it to get on you or even your hands, simply because of the smell.

The oils distilled from seeds contain azadirachtin and have been used as a botanical-pesticide or neem oil insecticide to control a huge variety of garden pests.

It's a great Organic Substitute For Harsh Chemical Insecticides.

The way it all works is that the spray stops insect larvae from maturing to the adult stage. Leaves that have been sprayed taste terrible so the bugs won't eat them either.

It doesn't hurt the beneficial bugs mainly because those bugs generally aren't interested in eating your plants anyway.

You have to try to be careful however not to spray the larvae of the good bugs.

Your plants will "ingest" the neem, and this does not damage them at all.

Feeding insects will unknowingly ingest the neem and die off. Actually, they just stop eating altogether, and eventually starve if they didn't get past the feeding stage.

Fortunately, vegetables are not hurt by the spraying.

Neem oil is very effective as an insect repellant against a number of garden pests including mealy bugs, ticks, Japanese beetles, gnats, weevils, spider mites and sand-fleas.

Neem oil is great for aphids, which are very drawn to roses. People use it to also get rid of lice, and to repel biting flies and mosquitoes.

Other neem-oil-uses have found their way to the cosmetics
counters as moisturizers, and cold creams. Neem can be
found in soaps, shampoos, and toothepaste.

Skin ailments such as eczema and psoriasis have been treated with neem.

It is being used in the treatment of acne and acne scarring.

Neem contains Vitamin E and many essential amino acids which are needed for the healing process. In addition, neem has been associated with reducing pain and killing bacteria that can cause infection.

Neem oil also works as a fungicide and can have an effect on mildew as well.

Still, of all of the neem-oil-uses there are, it remains best known for being an excellent pesticide.

There are some variations of neem oil recipes that you can mix and keep handy for use in your garden.

You can make them up and be sure to store in a cool dark area. It is wise not to make up more than necessary. Try not spray too much, because the neem can burn the leaves of your plant in hot sunlight.

Neem-Oil-Uses & Mixtures

1 gallon of water
1 tblsp. neem oil concentrate
1/2 ounce orange oil
1/2 ounce distilled rosemary

1 tsp. pure neem oil
2 tsp. insecticide soap (from any garden store)
1 litre warm water
1 clean spray bottle

Cotton-balls soaked in neem oil repel moths from feeding on your clothing.

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