Beneficial Green Tea For Home,
Houseplants And Gardens
Enrich your soil and recycle-green-tea. Benefit your garden
and home with the many uses possible for your used green tea leaves.
Are you a green tea lover?
Millions and millions of people all over the world join you in your taste for a tea that was cultivated thousands of years ago in China and India.
You may be a matcha green tea drinker, which is associated with Japan, and is more like a finely ground powder, and darker in color.
Though many specific claims are unofficially verified, most people don't dispute the overall power of the antioxidants found in green tea leaves for the human body.
Unlike the regular teas many of us have in our cupboards, the difference is in the processing.
Green tea is made from unfermented green tea leaves, leaving it with very high concentrations of antioxidants which are believed to alleviate or control harmful substances within our bodies.

Before you recyle-green-tea, you will no doubt consume it first obviously for the benefits it is hoped to bring you.
Green tea is believed to be a huge boost to the immune system, as it works to act on substances like cigarette smoke and air pollution particles, harmful rays of the sun which further along the ageing process.
The antioxident or detoxifying properties of green tea is believed to reduce or help neutralize this.
It is believed to be an anticarcinogenic, a reducer of cholesterol, a treatment for headaches and forms of depression. It is used by many as a tool for weight loss.
Green tea is so popular, you will see it as an ingredient (if you like the taste) in soft drinks, ice cream, syrups, and added to recipes for baked goods.

Have you checked out the beauty counter lately?
Several beauty products now contain green tea as well because of it's antioxident properties.
You will find it as an ingredient in moisturizers, cleansers, soaps, aromatherapy products, and showergels.
In addition to all of these claimed benefits of drinking and using green tea for ourselves personally, if you recycle-green-tea, you can take those benefits even further. Composted green tea has extra purposes around the home as well.
When finished with your tea, dry the leaves by setting them on a towel or paper and flip them over occasionally. When well dried out, crumble them.
- Sprinkle on carpets ten minutes and vacuum to deoderize.
- Sprinkle on dog beds or in dog houses. Thought to deter fleas from cats or dogs.
- Sprinkle in cat-litter box to absorb odor
- Put uncovered leaves in the fridge to absorb food odors
- Rub on cutting boards and rinse to remove odors
- Rub on your hands after cooking to get rid of fish or garlic odors
- Apparently mixed with water, makes a good mouthwash
- You can add used tea leaves to soups and stews for added flavor
Because green tea leaves contain nitrogen, this is a great organic material. If mixed and decomposed with other organic materials, you can create a very nutrient rich compost. Sprinkle crumbled up leaves into your houseplants, and onto your garden beds for a great fertilizer.
Feeding your gardens can help to keep the insects and garden pests away.
So, if you are a faithful green tea drinker, don't toss your tea leaves.
Do recycle-green-tea leaves in a number of ways to extend the health benefits to your gardens as well.
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